Friday, August 29, 2014

Some Jargon 'n Other Cool Stuff


Room Acoustics: “Room” from the Old English word  rum meaning “space” (extent or Time); “Acoustics”, mid 17th century: from Greek akoustikos, from akouein ‘hear.’ combined to make jargon for different rooms make different sounds and what audio engineers do is try to pull the best sound out of the room.

Here’s a cool drum video showing how drums can sound in different environments: Rad stuff

Mic Placement: “Mic” short for “microphone” 1680s, "ear trumpet for the hard-of-hearing," coined from Greek mikros "small" (see mica) + phone "sound" (see fame (n.)). Modern meaning dates from 1929, from use in radio broadcasting and movie recording. Earlier, "amplifying telephone transmitter" (1878). Of the two spellings of the short form of the word, mike (1927) is older than mic (1961).
Mic Placement can change the sound by a bunch too. Check this video showin' that.

Stereo//Mono: "Stereo" from Greek stereos ‘solid.’ "Mono" from Greek monos ‘alone.’

When it comes to tracking, most do stereo to get bigger, fuller sounds, as needed. When you set things to mono then it's only playing as one track (duh) opposed to two, or three, separate tracks. Stereo is accomplished by two mics in different positions while mono is one mic.

Waveforms: "Wave" Old English wafian (verb), from the Germanic base of waver; the noun by alteration (influenced by the verb) of Middle English wawe ‘(sea) wave.’ "Form" Middle English: from Old French forme (noun), fo(u)rmer (verb, from Latin formare ‘to form’), both based on Latin forma ‘a mold or form.’

Different Waveforms are used to described differents sound levels and hertz of a pitch or set of pitches. Some examples of the different wave lengths are shown in this video below.

The track below was recorded was (shameless plug) recorded with a radioshack mic, haha. You can hear a lot of the room. [Kaptain Krunch Cidz]

*Ask Me for track :/ I don't know how to get audio tracks up on here*

Not the greatest quality, it's lo-fi at best. Then check out this awesomely produced song because it's so crisp.